Wednesday 28 December 2011

On my first attempt to take photographs outside was my trip to Central Park in Plymouth. I started my photographic journey as soon as I stepped out of my house – coloured leaves caught my eye everywhere I turned, from the ones quivering on the trees just about to loose them to the trampled on the pavement. 

Wednesday 14 December 2011

New findings

Two rather different photographers that I have discovered - Joel Meyerowitz and Jeff Southam.

                      Jem Southam  ''mesmerising image, so sharp, silky and thee dimensional.''

Monday 12 December 2011

''For over 20 years, Magnum Photographer Stuart Franklin has been travelling the world exploring man's relationship with trees''.


A couple of photographs from my previous blog for International Study Project

Sunday 11 December 2011

''The Pictures You Don't want to miss''

natural phenomena you probably didn’t know about  -  is a website explaining and displaying photographs of eight fascinating natural processes that many of us may not even be aware of. Photographs include wonders like fire rainbow, waterspouts (really intense columnar vortex that takes place over a mass of water and links it to a cumuliform cloud) and other occurrences, presumably from the phantasy series.

'Under the microscope, I found that snowflakes were miracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others,' Bentley said in 1925.
History of photography displays early attempts to capture natural phenomenons. In 1885 Wilson A. Bentley was the first one to photograph a snowflake, using a camera attached to his microscope.

Today photography captures in a brand new level

                                                                          Nature Diary

Monday 5 December 2011

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands. - Psalm 19:1
 The first time I came up with the idea for my project was probably even before I came to university. The greatest source of inspiration for me has been the aimless staring out my bedroom window and ocasionally taking a few photographs, capturing the sky and the look of the field just outside my block of flats, probably in all seasons possible. 

My project will be a selection of photographs about the nature, wild life and everything that can be seen as wonderful works of creation around us. The photographs will consist of landscape, animal photography and a third part which would consist of various natural phenomenons.
 I am hoping to experiment with styles and techniques. My work should be of relevance to anyne able to find meaning in both great and small things. I wish to go beyond the dull details of everyday life and explore the wonder of the Maker in the glory of his creation, which I find in small wonders of nature like the milk blending into a cup of tea, the frost on the window, a reflection on the water. At the end of the project I am hoping to deliver big format high quality prints, allowing the audience to explore the works in detail.