Monday 5 December 2011

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands. - Psalm 19:1
 The first time I came up with the idea for my project was probably even before I came to university. The greatest source of inspiration for me has been the aimless staring out my bedroom window and ocasionally taking a few photographs, capturing the sky and the look of the field just outside my block of flats, probably in all seasons possible. 

My project will be a selection of photographs about the nature, wild life and everything that can be seen as wonderful works of creation around us. The photographs will consist of landscape, animal photography and a third part which would consist of various natural phenomenons.
 I am hoping to experiment with styles and techniques. My work should be of relevance to anyne able to find meaning in both great and small things. I wish to go beyond the dull details of everyday life and explore the wonder of the Maker in the glory of his creation, which I find in small wonders of nature like the milk blending into a cup of tea, the frost on the window, a reflection on the water. At the end of the project I am hoping to deliver big format high quality prints, allowing the audience to explore the works in detail. 

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