Sunday 11 December 2011

''The Pictures You Don't want to miss''

natural phenomena you probably didn’t know about  -  is a website explaining and displaying photographs of eight fascinating natural processes that many of us may not even be aware of. Photographs include wonders like fire rainbow, waterspouts (really intense columnar vortex that takes place over a mass of water and links it to a cumuliform cloud) and other occurrences, presumably from the phantasy series.

'Under the microscope, I found that snowflakes were miracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others,' Bentley said in 1925.
History of photography displays early attempts to capture natural phenomenons. In 1885 Wilson A. Bentley was the first one to photograph a snowflake, using a camera attached to his microscope.

Today photography captures in a brand new level

                                                                          Nature Diary

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